Propel Your Passion

At MH Soccer Training, our goal is to help you push yourself to become the best version of yourself, both on and off the soccer field. The driving force behind training with us should be your own desire to improve and excel.

How to Propel Yourself and Shape Your Future

Trust the Process

Accept that improvement doesn't happen overnight. While all our actions aim to enhance your performance in the short and long term, understanding the process - and your role within the process - is crucial.

Knowing and Understanding Your Goals

Ask yourself why you need extra training and what you're training for. Setting specific goals, such as learning to bend the ball, making a higher level team, or playing in college, are great. BUT along with setting goals, we also need to understand:

  • How to achieve your goals

  • Who can help achieve your goals

Master What's in Your Control

You have the power to shape your own future. Here are some aspects you can control:

  • Getting enough sleep

  • Eating a balanced diet

  • Staying well hydrated

  • Being punctual

You're the master of your own destiny – take control and shape your future.